Books by Dr. Christine Turner

  • Beloved from the Start

    Hidden buried within her heart, repressed for 30 years, lies the secret “It.” The veneer of the perfect suburban wife and mother is shattered when Chris prays a dangerous prayer, “God, if I have been sexually abused will you show me?” Is repression real? Could a successful teacher, wife, and mother be the survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and not even be aware of it? With an honest truth and transparency, Chris shares the shattering, and then the supernatural healing of her heart. Veiled beneath the grappling for control and the drive for perfection, is the truth. “No one is trustworthy, not even God.” Behind this lack of trust is Chris’s real struggle…only perfection can erase the shame and worthlessness. Beloved from the Start is her first book. She calls it “Our Story” the story she and her Savior walked together.

  • Families Matter, You Matter

    Too often we Christians use the promises of our faith to gloss over the dysfunction in our families of origin. If we do not take the time to understand healthy communication and underlying beliefs about family roles and relationships, we will by default operate in the same dysfunction of our childhood homes. It may come out sideways, but it will not necessarily be healthy.

    Discover that you are completely normal for the family you grew up in. Learn how families operate in a system and the role you play as a family member. You will realize that the power to heal your family relationships is within you. Just one family member gaining insight and embracing healthy Godly change affects the entire family system for the better. Be equipped to love yourself, God, and your family better.